Wendy Wilson is an Herbalist. She believes in "natural medicine" to help the body heal itself and restore health. Wendy studied the works of Dr. John Christopher and his natural approach to health. Wendy has been teaching the healing power of herbs for more than a decade. You can learn more by tuning into her syndicated radio show Herb Talk Live on GCN and AVR (radio show archives are available on this site). Or read her health articles in The International Forecaster, Health Quest and American Survival Newsletters. Wendy studied at the University of North Carolina (Charlotte), is a mother of three children, a student of the martial arts, and the senior herbalist for Apothecary Herbs, Inc. located in Huntersville, North Carolina.
After college Wendy Wilson started her family while working in the medical field as a physician's personal assistant. She became aware of the healing power of herbs and natural therapies when her infant son became seriously ill and modern medicine had no solutions. Wendy turned to a natural healer for help. Her child made a full recovery and Wendy’s journey towards becoming an herbalist began. She enrolled at the School of Natural Healing in Springville, Utah in the Master Herbalist Program.
In 1999, Wendy wrote a "how to" book called The Power Herbs: 13 Herbs Every Medicine Cabinet Should Have (now available in PDF on this site). She wanted to reveal the herb secrets she had learned from her traditional training and practical experience. There is a high demand for knowledge on how to use herbs and natural therapies effectively and The Power Herbs book shows you how.
In 2000 Wendy founded Apothecary Herbs, Inc., which specializes in immune boosting and organ cleansing formulas. Apothecary Herbs also manufacturers herbal formulas for anxiety, thyroid, menopause, blood pressure, pain, energy, weight loss, headache, inflammation, UTI, prostate and more. Wendy Wilson finds her work at Apothecary Herbs rewarding. She enjoys writing her health column for various newsletters including The International Forecaster © and Health Quest © and American Survival © and producing her national talk radio show, Herb Talk Live on AVR www.theamericanvoice.com & WWCR (shortwave frequency 4840). Listen to Herb Talk Live and find out what organ cleansing and immune boosting can do for you.
When she is not teaching herb secrets, Wendy enjoys spending time with her three children, cooking, doing home remodel projects and visiting the beach.
Wendy Wilson's Credentials
- Education:
- University of North Carolina, Charlotte, NC
- BA Psychology - School of Natural Healing - Springville, UT - Master Herbalist Program
- University of Natural Healing - Charlottesville, VA
- Dr. Richard Schulze Combination Therapies - Immune System Microbiology - Monterey, CA
- Dr. Bruce West
- University of North Carolina, Charlotte, NC
- Accomplishments:
- Book: The Power Herbs: 13 Herbs Every Medicine Cabinet Should Have, 2000 (Morris Publishing, NE)
- Herb Talk Live Radio Show - WWCR, AVR (www.theamericanvoice.com) (AM, FM & Satellite) &
- Company - Apothecary Herbs, Inc. Founded in 2000 www.thepowerherbs.com and www.herbtalklive.com, www.herbtalklive.net