Cleanse your body and remove any toxins by using our organic herbal supplements. Dr. John Christopher's clinically tested formulas for a professional strength product made in the USA. No imported herbs.
Cleanses come with complete instructions and for information on how to cleanse in the proper order see our Healthy Guidelines section.
Your tinctures are worth the extra effort of international ordering. I enjoy your radio show as well. I listen to the show when I travel for work.
Greg D. Saskatchewan, Canada
I have ordered the Brain Concentrate, Parkinson's Kit, Female Maturity formula, Body Foundation Food Mix, Bowel Cleanse Kit, Black Walnut Tincture and Deodorant Crystal. After completing Cleanse # 1 (Bowel Cleanse) I can attest effective beyond what I had expected. It is such a comfort just knowing Apothecary Herbs manufacturers its own products (herbal supplements) and readily processes my orders. Do not stop coming to us each day (Herb Talk Live radio), for we need you and love you and so appreciate and support all you do and strive to he benefit of us- the listeners.
Donna Lynn, Fallbrook, CA

"After finishing the Bowel Cleanse program I notice my skin blemishes fading away and my energy level increased." G. Belfort, Jr., Chicago, IL
"The Bowel Cleanse did a good job." Maryanne A., British Columbia, Canada
"My husband and I did the Bowel Cleanse with the Black Walnut. The product seemed to work like you stated. The only concern we had was getting constipated, but neither of us did eating like you suggested and using Bowel Cleanse Formula A. Overall it is a great product." Teresa & Michael Snyder, Middleville, NY
"I have ordered the Brain Concentrate, Parkinson's Kit, Female Maturity formula, Body Foundation Food Mix, Bowel Cleanse Kit, Black Walnut Tincture and Deodorant Crystal. After completing Cleanse # 1 (Bowel Cleanse) I can attest effective beyond what I had expected. It is such a comfort just knowing Apothecary Herbs manufacturers its own products (herbal supplements) and readily processes my orders. Do not stop coming to us each day (Herb Talk Live radio), for we need you and love you and so appreciate and support all you do and strive to he benefit of us- the listeners." Donna Lynn, Fallbrook, CA
"I purchased the Bowel Cleanse Kit and Celtic Sea salt from Apothecary Herbs after hearing Herbalist Wendy Wilson on short-wave radio 7.415. The Kit worked really well and I later purchased her book, The Power Herbs. I've read many herb books and The Power Herbs book is one of the best and I believe no one will top this great book. Thank you Wendy for all the help you've given me." Leslie Countryman, Richmond, VT
"Thanks for the Milk Thistle and Barberry bark product. My liver and gall bladder are doing much better. I don't feel sick anymore, I've got my appetite back and I feel better. M.H. Frost, Orlando, FL
"Thank you for this system. My energy and mood improved dramatically. Thank you for the Prostate Cleanse, it has made a huge difference. I am recommending it to my friends." Jeff Apodaca, Huntington Beach, CA