Herb Profile: Beetroot

Herb Profile: Beetroot

June 20, 2024 | 0 comments

by Wendy Wilson

Rich in essential nutrients, antioxidants, and versatile applications, beetroot stands as a stalwart ally in maintaining health and vitality, even in the face of adversity.

Herb Profiles

Beetroot boasts a plethora of attributes that render it a survivalist's dream crop. Rich in essential nutrients, antioxidants, and versatile applications, beetroot stands as a stalwart ally in maintaining health and vitality, even in the face of adversity. Let's explore its survival benefits and the science-backed advantages it offers for our well-being.


We often hear of putting into our garden types of foods that are considered survival foods full of nutrition to sustain the body when foods may be scarce. I’ve recently heard sweet potato is one such food source that our ancestors used due to it tolerating long storage as well as dandelion root. Roots, seeds, and nuts tend to have high amounts of nutrition to sustain the human body. We’ve talked about beets before and new research is getting the attention of professional athletes where beets offer endurance. 


According to the research reported by Springer Link, there are compounds in beetroot that help the body cope better under stress.  We all can benefit from an abundant food source that can provide some amazing health benefits including:  

  • anti-inflammatory and antioxidants
  • reduces oxidative stresses
  • reduces fatigue and recovery time 
  • reduces hypertension (high blood pressure)
  • improves blood flow and oxygen delivery with the increase in nitric oxide

According to the research, a bioactive pigment called betalins offers biological action providing the body with endurance much like ginseng root. This study was published in the October 2023 Current Nutrition Reports journal.

“Beets are rich in folate, which plays a vital role in growth, development, and heart health.” Current Nutrition Reports  journal, October 2023

You’ve heard me say that beets improve the blood because of the mineral that feeds the bone marrow. Beets are an amazing food source of manganese for:

  • bone formation
  • metabolic function
  • brain function 

Cooper is also present in beets to help with energy production and neurotransmitters in the brain.


Beets help the body to function on the inside and out.  According to nutritionists, beets have beta-carotene to help stimulate our skin to defy aging. It is believed that it is also the silicon elements in beetroot that strengthen the skin to resist wrinkles, prevent sagging skin, and promote healthy hair. This is probably why the beauty industry is adding beets to their skincare products. Beets will help us manage our weight and have been declared a slimming food. Beets also contain magnesium, sodium, potassium, and vitamin C all to advance our body’s ability to detoxify, lower bad cholesterol, and help prevent cancer cells.  According to nutritionist Mark Kilick, beets contain a few important compounds called betaine and methionine. These compounds support liver detoxification and prevent an accumulation of toxins and fats from forming in the liver and the rest of the body. This is how beets help you with weight management issues. What is even more impressive is that the nutrients in beets help prevent that tired and sluggish feeling as well as providing folate (vitamin B) to help prevent mood swings.


A study from the UK suggested that beetroot juice helps to boost metabolism and stamina. According to a study from the University of Exeter and Peninsula Medical School, beets help you exercise 16% longer by lowering nitrate levels and reducing oxygen uptake, making exercise less tiring. (Source: Journal of Applied Physiology, September 2009). A previous study done by Barts and the London School of Medicine and the Peninsula Medical School published in February 2008 American Heart Association Journal of Hypertension), said beetroot juice reduced blood pressure. Germany conducted several studies on beets (1919 Hugo Schulz, 1951 & 1983 Dr. A. Ferenczi), which proved beet root extract slowed cancerous growths and beetroot juice taken daily was a cancer preventative. The nutrition of antioxidants, flavonoids, ascorbic acid, and natural iron oxygenate cancer cells to destroy them.


Another thing medical science discovered about beetroot juice is that it contains natural vitamin B, which is excellent for anemia and for cancer patients. Beetroot juice has the ability to rebuild the blood in just 24 hours; however, the secret is to use raw beets and not cooked beets. If you have blood pressure issues, drinking beetroot juice was reported to reduce blood pressure within an hour.

Obviously science is discovering the power of natural foods as medicine. These healing benefits natural healers have known for hundreds of years. Beetroot juice is excellent for EVERY organ of the human body. If you need to perk up your gallbladder, liver, bowel, or lymphatic system then drink some beetroot juice. For those suffering from IBS or bran intolerance, the soluble fiber in beetroot juice can offer additional support to the gut. Beetroot greens are also a source for combating aging because they contain anti-aging pigments and antioxidants to produce vitamin P, which strengthens the immune system, joint structures, and vascular system. Beet greens also contain natural calcium, iron, potassium, and vitamins A & C for the cardiovascular system. The younger the beetroot the more it will contain nutritional elements. Raw beets will offer more nitrates and nutrition overall compared to cooked beets.


In February 2023, the University Pennington Biomedical Research Center in Louisiana reported in the American Heart Association publication that we all should be eating beets. 

“We looked at beets. They actually have more benefits than you would think and this is why this root vegetable should be on our plates.” Catherine Champagne, Professor of Dietary Research, Louisiana State University's Pennington Biomedical Research Center in Baton Rouge.


What the scientists at the University of Vienna honed-in on was a small protein molecule from beetroot. The molecule peptide seems to block an enzyme that deals with messenger molecules within the body thereby reducing inflammation. The research was published in the October 2020 Journal of Natural Products.

“This particular molecule has a stable structure for pharmacolgical properties. The beetroot peptide could be a good candidate for drug therapy to treat inflammatory diseases.” Christian W. Gruber, MedUni Vienna's Institute of Pharmacology, Journal of Natural Products, October 2020


The lists of diseases science wants to use beet root peptides on are:

  • neuro-degenerative diseases - (Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, Huntington’s, motor neuron and MS)  
  • auto-immune diseases
  • fatty liver diseases
  • endometriosis
  • Type 1 & 2 diabetes
  • IBS – Inflammatory Bowel Syndrome
  • Arthritis & Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Obesity

The beetroot peptides (Knottins) help regulate inflammation in the body. According to science, this makes beetroot a huge drug candidate. Of course, beetroot is available in organic form, offers low risk of side effects and is very affordable to many.


Beetroot is packed with nutrition to help the body:

  • detoxify
  • reduce inflammation
  • protect neurological functions
  • lower BP
  • balance blood sugar
  • helps with weight management
  • boosts immune function & energy
  • protects liver
  • reduces signs of aging
  • improves digestion
  • lowers cancer risk
  • rebuilds blood system
  • helps red blood cells deliver more oxygen

“In this review, we have illustrated the ability of the main active beetroot ingredients in antioxidant, antitumor, lowing blood pressure, blood lipid, blood glucose, improving exercise performance, and many other aspects.” National Library of Medicine Center for Biotechnology, November 2021 


For those of you without a juicer or don’t have the time to juice raw beets; don’t fret. You can use a high-quality beetroot powder to add to your smoothie or juice. Apothecary Herbs uses beetroot juice powder in the Body Foundation Food Mix. This concentrated nutrition is water soluble and easily absorbed by the digestive system. You can find this product and more information on the nutritional benefits the Body Foundation Food Mix offers on our website.

Beetroot emerges as a vibrant powerhouse of nutrients, offering an abundance of health benefits that make it a valuable addition to any diet. Its nutritional profile, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and anti-inflammatory compounds, support overall well-being and aid in the prevention of various chronic diseases. From promoting heart health to enhancing exercise performance and supporting cognitive function, beetroot is the definition of a superfood. By incorporating beetroot into your daily routine, you take a proactive step towards optimizing your health.

*The information contained herein is not intended to diagnose, treat, prevent, or cure disease. Seek medical advice from a licensed medical physician before using any product or therapy.*















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