Wellness Guide: Cleansing & Detoxing

Wellness Guide: Cleansing & Detoxing

July 19, 2024 | 0 comments

by Wendy Wilson

From flushing out toxins to boosting energy levels and enhancing mental clarity, these practices are increasingly recognized for restoring balance within the body.

Wellness Guides

Our bodies often bear the brunt of hectic schedules, stress, and pollution exposure. Cleansing and detoxing have long been regarded as strategies to rejuvenate and reset our systems, offering many benefits beyond physical wellness. From flushing out toxins to boosting energy levels and enhancing mental clarity, these practices are increasingly recognized for restoring balance within the body.


The debate over cleansing the body and whether it is beneficial will depend on several factors. Some ask if herbal cleansing is necessary if the body can detox itself. Elimination channels can become bogged down with waste and fail to function well. Herbs can assist the body in performing normal functions and restoring balance. The causes are often a lack of nutrition and toxic substances impairing function. Other factors to consider are the quality of the cleansing tools and instructions for use. Let’s look at cleansing as an old but effective way to better health.*


History is full of ancient writings on cleaning the body of impurities, poisons, and venom. Detoxing the ancient way takes us back to the Roman Empire, Greek physicians, Rain Forest Tribal cultures, and Native Indians. The knowledge of cleansing was shared on trade routes and the tools were largely dictated by the region’s indigenous plants. A universal method of cleansing is fasting. As with anything that involves health, cleansing is a personal activity. Having awareness of how the body removes toxins is important so that your cleanse works with your system and not against it.

According to ancient writings, Native Indians often used hot springs or sweat tents to release toxins and purge their bodies of impurities. Many in the ancient world used water to purify the body. Hydrotherapy uses hot and cold water therapies to super-purge (remove toxins quickly). Herb therapy was also used by cultures spanning the globe. Much of the herb traditions that were passed down first started with observation of what animals ate and avoided. When animals were sick they sought out bitter plants to eat. The invention of the “tonic” beverage was given in the spring when new herbs started to grow. Herb tonics were used to purge out the stagnation of the winter and to add back nutrients the winter diet lacked. 


When you go about cleansing the organs of the body you accomplish several things:

  • rest the organs
  • stimulate detox processes
  • support elimination 
  • bring balance to circulation
  • nourish cognitive function
  • remove metabolic stress
  • super-charge system with nutrients


Depending on the type and quality of the cleanse product you use, the action can offer the removal of:

  • synthetic chemicals
  • drug residues
  • heavy metals
  • radioactive particles
  • food additives
  • agricultural chemicals
  • environmental pollutants
  • various accumulative acids (tend to settle into joints)
  • swelling throughout the body
  • parasites
  • excess fat


It is important to research your cleanse products carefully. Consider the therapies that have a track record of success. These therapies will have been used for more than 50 years. Use caution with any product that promotes a total body cleanse in one swoop. The reason is the body has a method of detoxing that we need to work with and not overwhelm it. Detoxing all the filtering systems at one time is not recommended. The risk of toxins not leaving fast enough, be reabsorbed and can make you sick.  

Considering sources of other toxic risks is something we all should be aware of and try to avoid. For example, sources of radiation and heavy metals can burden the system and increase the risk to our well-being. We like to use herbs that are quickly absorbed into the system with minerals and other nutrients and also help the body purge toxic materials. 


Apothecary Herbs manufactures and specializes in Organ Cleanses and we’re here to help you on your journey. It is recommended to do one cleanse at a time and follow this order:

  • bowel
  • kidney bladder
  • prostate - men only
  • liver/gallbladder 
  • blood

"After finishing the Bowel Cleanse program I noticed my skin blemishes fading away and my energy level increased." G. Belfort, Jr., Chicago, IL

You can find products that support your cleansing process by visiting the Organ Cleanses page on www.thepowerherbs.com. It is recommended to add in a whole food nutritional supplement while detoxing to replenish any nutrition that can be drawn out during cleansing. Chlorella and Spirulina are the main ingredients in the Body Foundation Food Mix.

"I tried your Body Foundation Food Mix and I could feel it working. My body must have been starved for the nutrition in it." Hal Larson, Boardman, OH

Incorporating herbs into your detox and cleansing routines offers support to your body's natural detoxification processes. Whether you're looking to jumpstart a healthier lifestyle or simply hit the reset button, using herbs may be the holistic approach you’ve been looking for.




*This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Seek medical advice from a licensed medical physician before using any product or therapy.*

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