Wellness Guide: Rapid Aging

Wellness Guide: Rapid Aging

June 07, 2024 | 0 comments

by Wendy Wilson

According to recent reports, adults are aging faster than previous generations.

Wellness Guides

Over the past two decades, we've witnessed a startling acceleration in the rate at which we age, a phenomenon that's both perplexing and concerning. From shifts in diet patterns to alterations in our food and water supply, coupled with widespread medication usage and escalating stress levels, various factors have converged to shape this unsettling trend. We are shedding light on how these elements have collectively contributed to the decline in life expectancy for Americans and exploring research to foster healthier, more resilient lifestyles.


According to recent reports, adults are aging faster than previous generations.  Health-Day News stated that the baby boomers have aged slower than the following generations.

“People born in or after 1965 are 17% more likely to experience accelerated aging compared to those born between 1950 and 1954. Research finds that accelerated aging is associated with higher risks of cancer for those under the age of 55.”  

There have been more reports that younger people are coming down with various forms of cancer and some speculated it was related to the Covid vaccine, which it may be. 

“Multiple cancer types are becoming increasingly common among younger adults in the US and globally. We do not yet understand the factors driving this increase.” Rulyl Tian, MD, Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, MO 


Science has reported that as we get older chronologically we will have an increased risk of disease. Some of the diseases that are common for older people to encounter are:

  • Lung diseases
  • Chronic bronchitis
  • Pulmonary fibrosis
  • Diabetes
  • Heart & cardiovascular disease 
  • Other metabolic disorders
  • Cancer  
  • Dementia 

Medical science expects everyone to get some form of age-related disease. It is considered rare in medicine for elderly people to be in good health and not on any prescribed medicine.


We are all aware that we can see the signs of aging such as wrinkles, gray hair, slower reflexes, slower walking, and changes in cognitive function. One of the stimuli that can hasten the aging process in all of us at any age is stress. If we experience enough constant stress our cells can essentially wear out and the body struggles to replace the cells with new ones. This process is called senescence.

“Senescence is the process by which cells irreversibly stop dividing and enter a state of permanent growth arrest without undergoing cell death. Senescence can be induced by un-repaired DNA damage or other cellular stresses.” Nature Communications, March 2024


A British study used blood samples taken by the UK BioBank on 149,000 people. Using nine biomarkers to calculate the person’s biological age based on the body’s condition. The results were measured by the person’s actual age by date-of-birth records. They looked for records of cancer that may have been reported in this group. With each age group, they discovered an accelerated aging process happening, and also the cancer risk increased. 

According to the report, the type of cancers that cropped up and the risks were:

  • Lung cancer 42%
  • Gastrointestinal cancer 22%
  • Uterine cancer 36%
  • Accelerated bio-markers increased cancer risk by 16%, especially gastrointestinal cancers
  • Accelerated bio-markers increased cancer risk by 23%, especially for uterine cancer

“There is a link between accelerated aging and the risk of early-onset cancers.”  Rulyl Tian, MD, Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, MO 

Could our environment and consumption habits be contributing to our toxin load? Could it be GM foods, medications, dirty electricity (radiation), polluted water, or air? The human body responds (good or bad) to what it is exposed to. Excessive amounts of alcohol and tobacco use are also a catalyst for advancing aging.

According to Health System Tracker, compared to other countries, the US has lost 20 years of progress in life expectancy. The general life expectancy of other countries is 82.3 years and the US is 77.5 years.

“In 1980, the US and comparable countries had similar life expectancies and health spending, but the trends have diverged in the last few decades.”   Health System Tracker, January 2024

“The US has the lowest life expectancy among large, wealthy countries while it far outspends its peers on healthcare.” Health System Tracker, January 2024


What things occurred in the US 20 years ago that lowered our downward trend in life expectancy? Here are a few things:

  • Americans began eating less beef and replaced it with chicken
  • Since 1950, the US diet has slowly transitioned away from grains, potatoes, and vegetables replacing them with fruit offering higher glycemic levels (source: National Food Survey)
  • Americans eat 3x more cheese today compared to 1970
  • Replaced dark leafy greens with iceberg lettuce
  • Americans are eating 500 more calories per day compared to 1970
  • Changes in agricultural practices
  • Nuts were considered to contain too much fat and replaced with empty-calorie snacks
  • Fad & low-fat diets with artificial sweeteners
  • More processed packaged food & convenience foods
  • 1994 GM or bio-engineered foods sold in stores
  • Critically low mineral and vitamin content in foods 

“Bioactive components of the diet regulate gene expression through changes in the chromatin structure (including DNA methylation and histone modification). Bioactive components of the diet play an important role in the prevention of many diet-depending diseases, such as cancers, circulatory system diseases, diabetes, and obesity.” National Library of Science Center for Biotechnology,   November 2021

By 2010, gastroenterologists had their waiting rooms full of Americans complaining of digestive disease. Many of the physicians did not know what was the cause as their patients stated they had been eating the same foods they had eaten since childhood. It would be another decade before they realized that food was genetically engineered and affecting the human body. Other factors influencing rapid aging are:

  • Food 
  • Water
  • Air
  • Activity levels
  • Medical treatments (prescribed medications)
  • Stress inducers

“Aging can be positively impacted by lifestyle changes. You can alter your fate with diet and exercise.” Douglas Vaughan, MD Northwestern University School of Medicine


Each year more genetically engineered foods are incorporated into the American diet and a majority of the population, including doctors, cannot explain what is happening to them. Autoimmune conditions have skyrocketed and naturopathic doctors have seen a rise in demand for answers. It is no surprise that younger people are aging faster and have higher risks of deadly diseases. As studies show, our peer countries that do not allow GM foods, have better lifestyles and fewer medical interventions are healthier, live longer, and spend less on healthcare than Americans. Living smarter is required to navigate the maze of conditions that are risks to our lives. 

We are not immune to toxins and stress build up in the body but Apothecary Herbs has your back. Here are a few of our 100% organic formulas.

Are you feeling overwhelmed and don’t know where to start? We are here to help. Get in touch with us by phone or email https://www.thepowerherbs.com/CTUS.html

*The information contained herein is not intended to diagnose, treat, prevent, or cure disease. Seek medical advice from a licensed medical physician before using any product or therapy.*









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